JCIT Policy 1
December 15, 1998
1. Purpose. The purpose of this document is to establish a common understanding of the measures that will be considered by the Joint Committee on Information Technology (JCIT) when evaluating proposed projects. Most projects target an agency program's business processes or a technical program's set of information technology assets that provide general computing or communications services. This document is generalized to address all types of government services and technology asset programs. Thus, there may be program specific business issues or technology specific issues that the presenting agency should identify.
2. Evolution of Projects. Projects occur because a new government service is needed or because a government service should be improved, requires change, or must be made more cost effective. In each of these cases, a business area analysis must be done to identify what business service and financial objectives are required and a business process and set of resources must be designed to achieve these objectives. The result is a set of management documents that include the business processes and automation blueprints and a financial plan. Based upon this work and a business case for the required investment, a senior executive sponsor may accept responsibility for the project. At this point an information technology project may be proposed and considered in the budget process.
3. Information Technology Related Project Proposals. Whenever an agency proposes an information technology project or makes amendments or revisions to a previously submitted project, the agency shall submit a project budget estimate to the Chief Information Technology Officer for that branch of government. This process and the core information requirements are outlined in statute. Not later than July 1 of each year, the Chief Information Technology Officers (CITOs) for the three branches of government will submit the proposed project estimates and revisions to previously submitted projects to the Legislative Research Department and the Budget Division. Specific submission requirements are included in the budget instructions published by the Budget Division. The legislative CITO will review these project budget estimates and plans and make recommendations to the Joint Committee on the merit thereof and appropriations therefor. Project presentations should include the submitted information with amplifying information as outlined herein.
4. Who, What, When, Why, and the Financial Plan (Project Request Explanation - DA 518). The information presented on the DA 518 should identify the project, describe the functionality to be delivered to the business process, state how it will be delivered and to whom it will be delivered and from a business perspective, explain the business objectives that will be achieved). The presentation should show how the outcomes directly support the agency's business plan and how the automated systems are included in the agency's 3Year Information Technology Plan. The DA-5 18 also provides the estimated project cost, major project phases and costs and sources of funding by fiscal year. Amplifying information should include the identity of the project sponsor, identity of the stakeholders and how they will participate in project direction, and the identity of the project manager and his or her qualifications. Amplifying information should describe what contracts are anticipated for what services and products and how those contracts will be developed. If partnerships with public or private organizations are anticipated, the nature of the partnership (sharing of risks, costs, and benefits) should be addressed.
5. Business Case and Risk Analysis (Cost Benefit Statement - DA 519). This document presents the business case in narrative and quantitative terms. Amplifying information should include how costs and benefits were determined, the project risk analysis and how the risks were accounted for in project cost estimates and benefit calculations. Amplifying information should also address any applicable new or existing federal or state legislation or legislative changes necessary to support the project.
6. Project Plan and Milestone Chart. The budget instructions require a milestone chart showing the summary level milestones for the project. The budget instructions also require the submission of planned expenditures by object code on a DA Form 506. Amplifying information should relate these documents describing the project plan (phases and content), milestones, deliverables and description of near term key expenditures for the current and budget fiscal years as shown on the DA Form 506.
7. Architectural Statement. This provides the technology-related information including types of technology to be employed and applicable standards that apply. If new technology or software development is involved, amplifying information about other organizations that have employed the new technology or accomplished similar software development should be provided.
8. Presentations. The project sponsor should introduce the project including the business case and strategic value to the agency or the State. The length of a project presentation will vary depending on the complexity of the project, legislation or public issues involved, and the public entities, businesses or government jurisdictions involved. However, concise presentation should be the objective. Written information should be made available to Legislative Research for mailing to the Committee members 10 days in advance of the meeting.